Please note the below process, booking requests will not be actioned/answered if you don't follow the below process.
Step 1
Check on the Club Calendar on the club website Calendar tab, to see if the facility is already booked and been used: www.taroonafc.org
Check on DRIBL to see if there are any matches scheduled: DRIBL
Step 2
Head to club website to complete Booking Request Form
Step 3
It may take 7-14 working days for a request to be approved as it may need to be budget approved if request for club to cover cost, council/school booking approved.
Step 4
All bookings are managed by groundscoordinator@taroonafc.org
For updates on ground closures you must be in the Grounds Information access group on Stack Team App.
Step 5
If you are requesting a field that will cost outside of your normal allocated training time and season games, your team will be required to cover that cost. A usual process is bank transfer to the club and you collect cash from players at the training/game. As the club budget covers the cost of your allocated training session and games.
For example you want to request an indoor facility due to rain ground closures and it costs $50 per hour, your team is then required to cover that cost etc.
Step 6
If you use Kelvedon Park, Shelagh at kioskcoordinator@taroonafc.org and the Grounds Coordinator at groundscoordinator@taroonafc.org, where they will discuss directly with you around key pick up and alarm, you are NOT allowed to share alarm codes or keys with ANYONE (only Coach or Team Manager). At conclusion of your usage you are required to complete the Lock Up Form.
If you have any further questions speak to your age group Coordinator or email groundscoordinator@taroonafc.org