'We are excited to announce that Tascon Constructions have come on board as a Major Sponsor for Taroona Football Club. The Tascon Construction logo will appear on every Taroona FC playing top for Season 2025. We are extremely excited by this partnership and we are very appreciative of the team at Tascon Constructions'
- Sam Johnson, Taroona FC President
Tascon has been operating in Tasmania since 1985, are 100% Tasmanian owned and operated with a proven record. On average 80% of Tascon’s annual workload is in the commercial area of “internal fit outs” and “refurbishments”.
The vast experience acquired on and off site in this area is used to work with clients to ensure the satisfaction of their various requirements in both occupied and unoccupied premises. The company has been designed to remain diverse and competitive within Tasmanian and has the ability, knowledge, and financial backing to take on a full range of building services and to continue to provide top quality product and professional service.
Read more about Tascon here: https://tascon.net.au